Cake Eating Contest/Spectra Live Stream Fundraiser/Grace Noel B-Day pARTy!

Tune in Thursday to our live stream and “Bet” on which Spectra Boss Babe can eat their cake the fastest.

Thu, March 19, 2020

12:30 PM – 2:30 PM MDT


Tune in to our live stream on Instagram or Facebook starting at 12:30 Pm and watch the madness unfold.

We are going to be providing some comedic relief for all of our friends, fans, and family while also celebrating Grace Noels (Actual) Birthday & raising some money for our baby Spectra Art Space, and giving away lots of art while we do it! We will provide some creative comedic relief, and you can help provide some financial relief for our space.

How this will work:

Place your “bets” on who you think will win the cake eating contest, and then tune in to our live stream on Instagram or Facebook as festivities get started.

Before the live stream event: Place your bets on who you think will win! The Grand Prize winner will receive an amazing art package filled with original art from the 3 contestants & other Spectra art goodies.

How to “bet” on your champion:

1. Donate any amount you wish or can to Spectra through our website by following this link and hitting the donate button:

2. In the notes add the name of the contestant you think will winGrace Noel, Lexie Darling, or Sadie Young.

3. To be entered to win the grand prize all you have to do is donate $4 or more before the cake eating commences!

4. To find out how to enter for free follow us on Instagram @SpectraArtDenver to see how!

Day Of Schedule:

12:30-1:30 PM Watch contestants Grace Noel, Lexie Darling, and Sadie Young Decorate Graces birthday cake and get HYPED for the cake eating contest.

1:30PM – 2:00PM Place your final “Donation bets” and cut the cake.

2:00 PM – Sing happy birthday to Grace with us, then watch us devour the cake.

Stick around after for some art auctions and live feed sales!