A gallery style toy show featuring 52 toy designers and artists from all over the world! Curated by Neil Ewing. Sponsored by Meow Wolf, Kool Planet Comix, IndyInk, Ratio Beer Works, and Last Bastion Studios.
Opening Reception May 4th 6pm-11:55pm. Open through June 3rd.
At Spectra Art Space. 1836 S Broadway Denver, Colorado.
Bombastic Plastic 2 Online Sales Open at 11:59 on May 4th.
Featuring the art of :
Adam Rossmiller | Andrew Geddes | Barbarian Rage | Bean Largent| Phobia Toys | Blitzkrieg Toys | Bo Braden | Bog Squad | Cameron Guse | Candie Bolton | Chris Hillseth | David Arshawsky | Dirt House | doomcodesigns | Dylann Edwards | Flanagan Creations | Frankmysterio Jr | Gangster Cat HK | Gravy Toys | Hussaya Armond | JCORP | Johnny Dracco | KIK Toys | Kronic Goolz | Kevin Watts | Labmonkeynumber9 | Lindsay Difabio | Motley Miscreations | MUTOPIA TOYS | Nate The Milkman | Neil Ewing | Nico Salazar | Noami Knaff Official Toy | OMNI REZ | Panda Propaga Toys | Paul Schiola | Rampage Toys | Ren One Lab | Ron Reeves | Shirahama Toys | Squared Bear | Sunny Tam | The Last Zectron | Toxic Fumes Toys | trulithers | Underworld Customs | Video Vomit | Whippersnap Studios| Willy Kao | Y That K
This is a Gallery Show and will hang the month of May 2019.
Photos From Bombastic Plastic #1 By Kaite Russell
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, with live painting demos from Ronald Reeves, Rampage Toys, Cherry Moth Cake, and Nate the Milkman
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, with live painting demos from Ronald Reeves, Rampage Toys, Cherry Moth Cake, and Nate the Milkman
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, Neil Ewing the organizer of Bombastic Plastic
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, Neil Ewing the organizer of Bombastic Plastic
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, Neil Ewing the organizer of Bombastic Plastic
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, Neil Ewing of Bombastic Plastic and Sadie Young of Spectra Art Space checking out the collectibles.
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, a collaboration between Nate the Milkman and Rampage Toys
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, piece by Nate the Milkman.
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, pieces by Ronald Reeves
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, some of the collectable work of Cherry Moth Cake
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, some of the collectable work of Cherry Moth Cake
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, Neil Ewing the organizer of Bombastic Plastic
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, Neil Ewing the organizer of Bombastic Plastic
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, with live painting demos from Ronald Reeves, Rampage Toys, Cherry Moth Cake, and Nate the Milkman
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, with live painting demos from Ronald Reeves, Rampage Toys, Cherry Moth Cake, and Nate the Milkman
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, with live painting demos from Ronald Reeves, Rampage Toys, Cherry Moth Cake, and Nate the Milkman
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, with live painting demos from Ronald Reeves, Rampage Toys, Cherry Moth Cake, and Nate the Milkman
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO
The Bombastic Plastic Opening Event at Spectra Art Space, Denver, CO, with live painting demos from Ronald Reeves, Rampage Toys, Cherry Moth Cake, and Nate the Milkman